Community (organizing, co-founder)
I have been involved in organizing conefenrences & user-groups, at the same time an avid speaker as well.
Recently, I gave a talk on Creating DevOps Culture In A Bank at DevOpsDays Singapore
Below are links to a few events I organize or given talks:
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- Organizer of DevOpsDays Jakarta: first devops conference in Indonesia
- Speaker at DevOpsDays Singapore
- Organizer of JSChannel Conference 2017
- Organizer of JSChannel Conference 2016
- Organizer of JSChannel Conference 2015
- Organizer of JSChannel Conference 2014
- Organizer of JSChannel Conference 2013
- Speaker at first RubyMotion Conferece in Brussels
- Speaker at Ruby Conference Australia
- Speaker at Ruby Conference San Francisco
- Speaker at Ruby Conference New Orleans
- MongoDB Conference Philadelphia